


- 紐約時報評【APARTMENT 3A】

劇作家傑夫丹尼爾(Jeff Daniels)現年55歲,出生於美國喬治亞州,是美國著名電影與劇場演員,並因熱愛戲劇而投入劇本寫作,1991年在密西根州成立劇團「Purple Rose」,1996年完成了劇本【APARTMENT 3A】,除了在美國本地巡迴無數次,更在2006年與2008年間兩次進出外百老匯,是一部獲得觀眾廣大共鳴的作品。至今已有11部劇作的傑夫丹尼爾,除了是一位優秀作家,更是一位家喻戶曉的美國演員。從1981年開始活躍於大銀幕,除了在獲得廣大迴響並獲奧斯卡提名的獨立電影【親情難了】(The Squid and the Whale)中飾演父親一角聲名大噪,他還曾與金凱瑞共同主演【阿呆與阿瓜】笑破觀眾肚皮。另外如【房事告急】、【時時刻刻】、【返家十萬里】及【晚安,祝你好運】等膾炙人口的電影中都可以看到他的身影穿梭其中,至今電影作品已達近70部。個人更在2009年憑【殺戮之神】(God of Carnage)獲得劇場界的奧斯卡東尼獎最佳男演員提名。


顛覆愛情定義充滿前衛思潮【APARTMENT 3A】,是傑夫丹尼爾橫跨好萊塢、百老匯及獨立電影與劇場製作中打滾而寫下的結晶。今年七月,膛口表演劇團將於皇冠小劇場為你帶來這部荒誕又火辣的愛情黑色喜劇,讓你不用跑到美國就可以觀賞到由才華洋溢、能演又能寫的電影明星作家傑夫丹尼爾創作的【APARTMENT 3A】! 搞不懂愛情的你一定要來看!


 About Playwright:Who is Jeff Daniels?

As a big fan of movie, you may know Jeff Daniels the marvelous actor, who had shown in “Ragtime” or “The Fifth of July” or “Terms of Endearment” or Woody Allen’s great “The Purple Rose of Cairo” or “Gettysburg” or “Johnny Got His Gun” or “Yellow Sky” or “Something Wild” or “Fly Away Home” or “Good Night, and Good Luck” or “The Squid and the Whale” or any of 60 or so other movies.

However, seldom people know that Jeff Daniels actually wrote plays.Isn’t it cool? The sexy brilliant Jeff Daniels on the big screen is a playwright! He has written nine plays for the Purple Rose, including Shoe Man, The Tropical Pickle, Thy Kingdom's Coming, Across the Way (a 2002 finalist for the American Theatre Critics Association National Award for Best New Play), Norma & Wanda, The Vast Difference, Escanaba in da Moonlight, Apartment 3A and Boom. Yes, the author of Apartment 3A is exactly Jeff Daniels!

As it mentioned before, Jeff Daniels had written several plays. And one of those plays, a serious, soul-lifting comedy called “Apartment 3A,” was once at the Arclight Theater on West 71st Street through February 11. So lucky for you guys since you could see this play in Taiwan! In the coming July, TungCo Performance will present you the edgy romantic play “Apartment 3A” by Jeff Daniels in the Crown Theater. Now or never! Come and enjoy the show!

[Critics' Quotes]
"For a long stretch, late in the first act, Jeff Daniels' Apartment 3A is as good as theatre could be. It's wildly funny. Then it's fueled by rage. And then come sudden character detours. The rest of this play ranges from merely pretty good to very good. But for that dazzling stretch, it's perfect."
Mike Hughes----Lansing State Journal Town, the last four of which are published by Dramatists Play Service.


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