
2010 TungCo Performance Audition Info

劇名 Apartment 3A
劇作家 Jeff Daniels
導演 董紫儀 Don Tung
演出資訊 2010/7月3日,7月4日 皇冠小劇場Crown Theater

Play Synopsis

Annie, a fundraising director for Public Television, has no trouble getting donation from 5-year-olds but find Mr. Right for herself. After catching her boyfriend in bed with another woman (again!), she takes refuge in an empty apartment room and finds herself succumb to the continuous unwelcomed visits of an odd neighbor, Donald. Others trying to break into Annie’s new life are her colleague and Mr. Right wannabe, Elliot, and polar bears. Are they possibly Annie’s true love? How do they help restore Annie’s faith in men, the world, Big Bird and even God?


►徵選角色 Roles:

DONALD: 男, 30-40 歲, 女主角的神秘鄰居.
Main role. 30-40 year-old male, the mysterious neighbor of the female lead.

ELLIOT: 男, 25-35 歲, 深愛女主角的同事.
Main role. 25-35 year-old male, the co-worker who adores the female lead.

DAL: 男女不拘,中年,女主角的房東.
Supporting role. Middle-aged male or female. Landlord/lady of the female lead.

TONY: 男女不拘,中年,女主角的導播上司.
Supporting role. Middle-aged male or female. The boss of the female lead.

請注意 Please note:

本劇將以英文演出. The show is performed in English.
不限制演員國籍 ,歡迎非本國籍演員參加甄選International performers are welcomed.

►報名方式 How to sign up:

請於3月24日(週三)前填妥演員甄選報名表, mail至

欲索取演員徵選報名表,請連結至 下載報名表,

或來信 索取。

Please email to for signup form and email back by March, 24, 2010, with the title of "APT 3A audition". We will contact you ASAP about the audition.

►甄試時間Audition time:

3月27日(週六)下午1:00~ 5:00
Saturday, 1—5 pm, March, 27, 2010.

►甄試內容 Please prepare:

1.一段三分鐘以內的現代英文戲劇獨白. (報名後將會以email方式寄發獨白或自行準備)
One contemporary monologue in English, no more than 3 minutes. ( You may use one of the sample monologues in the attachment or one of your choice)

2. Apartment 3A劇本片段(報名後將會以email方式寄發).
Sides from the play(will receive them in email after signing up)

►甄試地點Audition place:


TungCo Rehearsal studio (6th floor, 102, Ming-sheng W. Rd, Taipei. Five-minute walk from the Shuanglian metro station exit 2)

甄選結果將於2010年 4 月2日(週五)前,以電子郵件方式個別通知
Audition results will be sent out individually by email by Friday, April, 2, 2010.

本案聯絡人:宋小姐 0919-072-139 

If you have any question regarding the audition, please contact: Nikki 0918-371-015 or




演出費用面議 Performance will be paid a small fee.


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